

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Oh just trying to be local and stuff

Double RL Ranch

About thirty minutes from where I am living Ralph Lauren owns a ranch called "The Double RL Ranch." Its 16,000 acres of some of the most beautiful land in Colorado. It has the most perfect view of the San Juan Mountains. On his ranch he has a lot of cattle. Luckily I came across his cowboys after their cattle drive. Something I have never experienced; I honestly could not stop laughing. I then noticed that they had all been branded with the RL symbol on their butts. The laughing continued for many miles after leaving the site.

Oh the views

I am trying to contain my erratic impulse to take a picture of every mountain I see. I am sure I'll post more in the future but here are some of my favorites so far.
 Telluride at it's finest

 An old abandoned mine tunnel. 
 This waterfall was insane! I wasn't able to take pictures of it up close because of the wind blowing all the water everywhere. After standing at the bottom I became soaking wet!
 A different waterfall we came across on our hike.
The only picture I got in Ophir Loop, Colorado. I will deffinately make a trip back to take more

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Moon Rising

On Friday the 13th I was in Ophir, Colorado staying at a friends house. There was a full moon that night and I was able to watch it rise behind one of the mountains. Really cool experience! The only problem is I did not have a tripod so capturing these photos at a long exposure was almost impossible. These photos are definitely not the best photographs I have ever taken but still cool to see the process of it rising.

Buckhorn Mountain Ranch

For those of you who were wondering I am living on a ranch with my older brother Horton. He's the manager of the Gardens here on the ranch. 
 Buzz the cat that is rarely found not sleeping. 
 These are the ranch cows that moo at me every time I walk outside.
 One of the many barns on the ranch with Buckhorn Mountain in the background.
 Many more sunset pictures to come in the future.
Horton, my brother, milks one of the ranches cow, Coco, almost every night.